Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the United States.
“That’s why I said this week the I.D.F. deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. I wasn’t joking.”
More than two decades and a renounced American citizenship later, Mr. Dermer is the Israeli ambassador to the United States, with such a close relationship to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he has been called “Bibi’s brain.” He is now at liberty to make a full-throated case for Israel.
In recent weeks, he has countered criticism of Israel’s invasion of Gaza and its mounting civilian toll in at least 55 television, radio and print interviews. He has also made Israel’s case on Capitol Hill, in briefings with administration officials and at a Christians United for Israel summit on Monday night at the Washington Convention Center. There, he responded to protesters who shouted “war criminal” by calling them “moral idiots” and asserting, “The truth is that the Israeli Defense Forces should be given a Nobel Peace Prize.”
Because of Mr. Dermer’s unabashed hawkishness and his role in organizing Mitt Romney’s 2012 visit to Israel, White House officials — including Denis McDonough, President Obama’s chief of staff — long resisted his appointment, according to people close to the administration. But in the renewed push last year for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Secretary of State John Kerry, who attended Mr. Dermer’s Passover Seder this spring, thought having a Netanyahu confidant close at hand would present an opportunity to sway the prime minister.
That turned out to be a misreading. Nearly 10 months after Mr. Dermer became ambassador, it is clear in Washington that he is his boss’s ideological twin. “I can authoritatively speak for the prime minister here,” he said during a nearly two-hour interview on Thursday in the heavily fortified Israeli Embassy in Washington. “I think people understand that.”
"Unabashed hawkishness" is such a benign phrase, much better than "genocide apologist." But then again, this article is from the New York Times, the same rag whose editorial board recently advised Obama to "go big on immigration".
The NYT openly favors a racist, genocidal ethno-state for Jews, and nation-wrecking, open-border, genocidal immigration for Whites. And, but of course, Whites pay for both.